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wood patterns frames_edited.jpg

Digitizing wood frames

with the NShot Pro System.

UAB Slavita assists furniture companies worldwide.

Slavita, a Lithuanian based company established in 1996, specializes in upholstery frames and components made out of wood. They have a large manufacturing facility in Europe with the latest furniture technology systems. 


To help improve and speed up their production process even more, Slavita has acquired a NShot Pro pattern digitizing system from N-hega Technology. With the NShot system, they can quickly scan their patterns with the software by taking a picture, and save the vectors as a DXF file in seconds. For maximum accuracy, they also export the true to size JPEG image of the original templates to their CAD system for archiving and quality control purposes.

Here are some pictures of their installation:

slavita logo.png
Slavita nshot pro digitizer.jpg
nshot pattern digitizer camera
wood pattern
furniture pattern

Slavita has implemented the

following quality certifications:

ISO 9001: 2015. Quality management system

ISO 14001:2015. Environmental management system;

FSC Chain of custody certification

Other Case Studies:

Kellwood Apparel

Gerber Accumark

5 NScans & 1 NShot

Kellwood Apparel

Gerber Accumark

5 NScans & 1 NShot


Furniture with the

NShot-Pro & SolidWorks


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American Leather

Upholstery & Leather Goods. 

American Leather

Upholstery & Leather Goods. 

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