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Quickly convert 2D physical patterns into a true to size workable vector file using N-hega Pattern Digitizers.

N-hega currently offers 3 types of automatic Pattern Digitizing systems: NScan Premium Scanner Digitizer, NShot-Pro Camera Digitizer and NShot-Lite Photo Digitizer. All our pattern digitizing software are automatic and powered by AI.

Step by step: Take a Picture of Scan your physical templates with the N-hega scanner and cameras -> The N-hega Pattern Digitizing Softwares automatically vectorize your patterns -> both the true to size image and vectors are generated -> use our CAD editing tools to edit and modify the templates if needed -> Save the vectors to all major CAD file from,ats including DXF, Lectra, Plot, Optitex and others.

Learn More about oru products here:

Pattern Digitizing Software
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