Smith Brothers of Berne uses the NScan Premium Pattern Digitizer for Furniture with their Lectra CAD
Smith Brothers of Berne has been using the NScan Premium Pattern Digitizer with their Lectra CAD software since 2007. The company is one...
Black Duck Seat Covers uses the NShot-Pro Template Digitizer.
Black Duck Seat Covers uses the NShot-Pro to digitize their templates to StyleCAD.
CAD Digitizer
Digitize your Patterns and Templates Automatically with the NScan Scanner or NShot Camera Digitizing Systems and save it to all major CAD...
Replace your CNC Digitizer with an Automatic Pattern Digitizer.
Digitize your Patterns and Templates Automatically with the NScan Scanner or NShot Camera Digitizing Systems and save it to all major CAD...
Digitize patterns & Save it as DXF files.
Digitize your Patterns and Templates Automatically with the NScan Scanner or NShot Camera Digitizing Systems, and save it as a DXF file...